Unreal Engine 4 Dev Update #1: Zoom Functionality for Top Down Template

I've been meaning to put this post for quite some time. As mentioned in my previous post At the Crossroads, I've started working on Unreal Engine 4. On the side, I've also uploaded some videos of the stuff that I've been doing with the engine. Over here, in the blog, I plan to briefly describe the process for the same. So here goes the first update.

I started working on the default Top Down Blueprint template that came with the Unreal Engine. It basically contains a Top Down game template with the default blue player character and a camera adjusted so as to give it an isometric view. There's a basic level built using some BSP brushes and you can move the player around. That's all the functionality that comes with it by default. So first thing, I decided to add a basic Zoom functionality. Since I was more interested in Blueprints, I went through a few tutorials on it and then dived right into action. After tinkering around the engine for a while, I got a basic zoom system running. It zoomed in and out only in increments of 100 units at a time, yet it was a start. Below, you can see a screenshot of the Blueprint scripting that went into it.

It's pretty simple if you look at it. It's just a matter of understanding what functions and commands are available at your disposal, atleast for matters like these. It's completely done within the My Controller Blueprint that already exists by default. The Controllers are used to control the pawns (or characters) in Unreal Engine. I've assigned two input buttons for Zoom in and Zoom out in the Project settings. Basically what happens is that, as soon as either of those buttons are clicked, I call my player character blueprint, which contains the camera and settings for changing it's location/ orientation relative to the player. I then access the camera object and add or subtract 100 to it's target arm length property, which controls it's distance to the player. I also add a clamp at the end to restrict the maximum and minimum zoom settings. Finally, I set the new value to the target arm length of camera.

So there you have it. A Blueprint based basic Zoom functionality for the Top Down template in Unreal Engine 4. You can see a video of it in action in my Youtube Channel as well:

So that's it for the first update. Will put the rest of the updates soon. Until then, goodbye.
